Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why Not Bait For Carp And Catch Many More Fish Using This Free Fishing Article!

Why not catch more carp now by discovering more about many essential carp bait ingredients that carp must eat in order to actually survive! The leverage of these substances will help you get many more fishing bites and bigger fish - so read on and find out more!

Eating food keeps us and fish alive but in both cases this involves the body producing heat as a result of chemical reactions involved in digestion and the supply and use of oxygen in body metabolism. Heat is a very crucial aspect to exploit in carp bait design but there are many things to exploit in increasing your bait performance with more efficient delivery in effect of that vital energy needed for survival in carp baits; and these seriously turn carp on big-time...

All biological systems obey the law of thermodynamics; which is the balance of energy needed to sustain and maintain an organism to enable it to survive. Energy needs and losses from bodily maintenance and swimming activities (including respiration and muscular actions of the heart for instance,) must be available first before more energy is made available for growth. Survival always comes first and is a powerful aspect of carp bait design in many obvious and far more potent but more obscure ways that everyone can exploit!

Fish eat firstly to provide for their key energy needs in order to survive, just like other animals. Just see the very significant energy requirements of explorers going up Everest, or the poles and you will see how important energy supplied by food really is. Part of the demise of the Captain Scott disaster was due to the effects of insufficient energy derived from the available allocated daily food ration which in effect led to the men catabolising (in effect cannibalising) their own bodies. There is a very significant difference in the composition and profiles of the foods which supply the most energy for fish compared to a human however.

Humans utilise carbohydrates primarily while fish utilise proteins to a far greater extent. Lipid, oil or fat sources are still the most efficient energy source for both although this is very easy to over supply as with applying high oil carnivorous fish pellets (e.g. salmon pellets) to carp, or humans living on high oil and high carbohydrate junk food diets with little quality proteins and other nutrition (and little physical activity to balance things).

The bulk of scientific data on essential carp nutritional requirements has mostly been the result of carp trials in artificial conditions such as in tanks, clear water intensive farming aquaculture systems, and intensive culture conditions in clay pond culture conditions with very high stockings of fish etc. But all these conditions have not truly been representative of the actual carp needs of the fish we are fishing for in our carp fisheries stocked with other fish and complicated by a huge array of other variables.

Even using data from the formulation of feeds for carp is if used directly is not necessarily ideal for our purposes in designing baits because our aim is not maximum growth of fish, but in realistic terms, optimum attraction and feeding stimulation qualities and other characteristics which ensure advantages over competing baits for example.

Aquaculture feed development is an ever changing science in itself. Formulas for different carp species, stages of development, various temperature regimes and various specific purposes and needs and more, such as flesh colouration and taste etc, all come into play and are not all relevant for our needs as anglers.

However, certain feed aspects are extremely useful such as stimulatory growth and feeding trigger substances. Commercial fish feeds and mostly aimed at maximising energy and nutritional needs in farmed carp for the best carp growth rates at least cost and wastage in feed to the farmer financially (and least feed energy loss in the fish themselves!)

The questions of boilie, pellet and ground bait actual biological conversion rates and nitrogen waste build-up in our fisheries are very important. Because fishing baits used as free feed are subject to bacterial activity, fortunately uneaten feed enters the ecosystem in other ways and does not become harmful in the huge majority of fisheries, except perhaps in the case of tiny de-oxygenated waters in high summer temperatures perhaps.

Studies by various universities and individuals have shown that wasted nutrients from fishing baits very rarely build up like some anglers imagine and it normally takes far more free bait to harm a fishery than is used by most anglers today. (Of course very many carp have become educated into actually eat bait as it breaks down because it is often safer to eat than get getting hooked on fresh whole often still relatively dehydrated carp baits.)

The fact that carp get to practice avoiding uniform round baits 24 hours a day and all night all week, all month all year round now leads very many of them to become exceptionally sensitive to any presence of rigs. So many carp are now incredibly skilled at loosening hooks and ejecting hooks without giving even a single bleep in very many cases! Even fishing for small fish that are fished for with match tackle can be extremely difficult to hook using conventional rigs and bait dimensions and dynamics as these fish have evolved behaviours to avoid getting pricked by hooks except very lightly, so enabling them to shake or slip or loosen hooks out even while hovering motionless above a heavy lead rig or a light running lead rig for instance.

But this is part of the reason many carp in much pressured so many fish avoid capture for long periods of months or years and this aspect of carp fishing is a big challenge for anglers in many fisheries in the UK. When you consider that many big wary carp in the UK binge feed on totally soft washed-out whole and broken-down baits a number of days after they have been introduced into swims is also a challenge to overcome. Basically the problem provides the solution here and certainly in the case of hook baits, the solution to solving this problem is obvious!

Bait designs and bait applications specifically for overcoming this problem are very valuable and are well proven for many bigger warier fish in UK waters and this is something I’ve personally have had to become well versed in like many other anglers.

The major area of fish farming concern is that of the biological conversion of feed and feed energy into growth and marketable fish mass. This is a world away from what we anglers really need which is a bait a fish will actually mouth and preferably consume repeatedly having even sampled just one bait. Much of the time it is obviously beneficial to have fish already in an intensely stimulated excited mode of feeding behaviour to produce maximum chances that fish will make mistakes on our rigs and get hooked more easily.

It is worth remembering that feeding behaviours begin not with the consumption of food but it’s detection at stages previous to this by any or all carp senses combined. Carp can filter feed and derive nutritional benefits from leached substances coming from baits in the water, without actually eating them; and this is something else to exploit!

The application of carnivorous fish feeds used in bulk predominantly for carp is a health concern because fish like salmon have a greater lipid demand (for basic energy needs) than of carp. Use of these feeds can lead to vitamin E deficiency and other imbalances rather like those suffered by junk food addicts and you can give carp too much stored energy for their own good! There are many other differences between carp, catfish and salmonids feeds and although the same feeds will be fed on by the other species this does not mean they ideal for long term health when applied in bulk.

Those amino acids which form the protein foods we feed carp and trout are not going to have the same effects in the same way on similar sensory systems of different species of fish either. Fish are sensory specific and even taste specific in many ways.

The recommended optimum dietary requirements of carp are not necessarily equal to the ideal stimulatory attractiveness of a fishing bait because of the other factors needing to be enhanced, reduced or overcome. For instance one ingredient might become a deterrent if that bait has been used to hook enough fish enough times, then fish will by their survival instinct often totally refuse it or feed on it in much more creative and surprising ways to avoid becoming hooked!

One key point is that you do not need to have a complete food bait to catch carp. You can of course go down the route of covering as many possible potential essential dietary needs as possible and produce a balanced bait, but this is only one part of the equation because individual fish just like individual humans may well have unique needs and slightly different preferences and health needs and deficiencies at any point of time in the year. Some fish will be far more vulnerable to capture at certain times of year when their energy and nutritional needs are maybe no so well met.

One big challenge for us anglers is the competition from natural food available to carp which has incredible dynamics in regards the position and effects of baits in an ecosystem for instance among other things. The abundance of regular quantities of carp baits entering a fishery can obvious lead to an increasing of the availability of natural foods.

Where fishing baits are regularly introduced the balance of natural food items in this chain can be changed in various ways with many impacts on fish feeding, location and patrolling patterns and behaviours.

In some cases at times abundant fishing baits actually make it harder to catch some fish because they are able to exist on natural foods exclusive to fishing baits – and become even more so as more becomes available... The abundance of regular quantities of carp baits entering a fishery can obviously lead to an increasing of the availability of natural foods.

Often a fish is far more vulnerable to capture despite its survival instincts and avoidance of fishing baits, if it cannot get enough essential nutrition by exclusively eating natural food items only. This could express itself in many ways in catch results and energy is an important feature too on this point. For instance, how often do rarely caught fish get landed during the depths of winter, or immediately before or after spawning? It’s all food for thought that can lead to better catches...

The information on essential dietary needs of carp most often does not take into account the presence of natural food in the presence of a test food item such as that of milk casein and gelatine. In fact it really makes a big difference when you consider that a carp is fully designed to fully digest and utilise its natural food items as opposed to an artificial food item composed of many foods such as in a boilie bait or pellet designed for salmon, trout or even specifically designed for carp!

The actual energy and nutrient requirements of carp compared to the actual biological conversion and energy supplied by anglers baits may very well not be as great nor as efficient as thought by anglers...

Many anglers think about their baits in terms of nutrition but really miss the other points about actual feeding stimulation processes and mechanisms. In the real world, what if you have raised the level of natural food organisms because of the abundance of bait fed into a lake? What if the fish can pick and choose whether they actually need fishing baits to supply any needs at all at any particular point in the year?

When I began carp fishing in the 1970’s a couple of cans of luncheon meat or sweetcorn, or a pound of homemade boilies, ground bait, paste bait or a pint of maggots or a loaf of bread would have been easily enough bait for a successful 12 hour trip. Now it is easily possible to introduce 1000 boilies upon arrival and get a fish hooked within 10 minutes on some waters. It seems very obvious that the use of more bait (despite far higher stocking levels,) has affected feeding behaviours at certain times of the year especially during the colder months.

It is true that the majority of the fish you could fish available to you prior to the boom in carp fishing in the UK were of double and single figures and it has been said that at that time there were as many twenty pound fish in Kent waters as the rest of the waters in the UK put together. Obviously a new carp angler in the UK today could never fully appreciate just what catching a twenty pound carp meant at that time and the opportunity to actually fish a water that held a thirty pound fish was incredibly exciting.

It is funny to think now today that once upon a time catching twenty individual twenty pound carp in a (UK) carp season fishing from June to March, was a very tough goal just 20 years ago on most UK waters. But I know for certain this can be achieved in under a week on the right UK waters today.

I myself caught 23 carp in 5 days and nights, averaging just under twenty pounds, at Shotgate reservoir in 1991, (topped by a mid thirty pound fish.) This type of result is very possible for anyone utilising good bait application on many waters today. It still seems incredible to me today that on many UK waters today, if you said you had caught 20 carp over twenty pounds in a whole year at a water then you would most likely not be regarded as a particularly good angler.

I caught 60 twenty pound carp and 10 thirty pound carp over one June and July period at an Essex water, and 15 forties at a Sussex water in one and a half seasons; and these kind of statistics are rather more unusual but very significantly the result of bait knowledge and its powerful leverage. To be totally honest you can catch more many more big fish by getting educated far more about bait design and its effects and applications because it is such a powerful leveller of fishing skills, talent and experience.

Even to catch 3 twenty pound plus fish in an hour, or 5 twenty pound plus fish in just 2 hours is not particularly unusual today - when you know what you are doing with bait application on the right UK waters. It’s a proven fact that discovering more about bait generously pays you back - big-time so visit my unique bait secrets website Baitbigfish right now and get catching more fish for life!

By Tim Richardson.

About The Author

Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: “BIG CARP FLAVOURS AND FEEDING TRIGGER SECRETS!” “BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!” And “BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!” For much more now visit home of world-wide proven readymade and homemade bait success secrets bibles!

Cheap Homemade Meat Boilie Baits For Outstanding Big Carp And Catfish Fishing!

Most anglers have heard of the success of luncheon meat for specimen carp, catfish, barbel, chub and other species but over-look many alternatives to the obvious readymade baits and tinned meat baits. This article describes different ways to exploit nutrient-rich meats in many different ways to make cheaper homemade big fish baits!

When carp, catfish, barbel and chub angler think of meat they all seem to immediately think of luncheon meat. But hold on a second, just what are the ingredients and special additives that make it a nutritional and attractive food item to both humans a and fish, because this is extremely important! In relation to luncheon meats what about all those different brands and types of pork products that we can also exploit for bait use in diverse ways? There is Spam, Pork Grill, luncheon meats, salamis, sausages and sausage meats and even pork meat foods in tinned and frozen forms for pets like dogs too plus many other alternatives.

I have found that utilising the big pre-formed rolls of pork meats intended for pet consumption make very good bulk protein bases for carp baits and baits for many other species too. Many people know all about the success of using simpler chunks of luncheon meat, or cylinders of Pepperami, or Matterson sausage and so on, but far fewer realise all these can be formed into even better unique baits in conjunction with many other highly attractive ingredients, additives, flavours etc. Big fish catches mean much more than some special meat punch tool or ready-flavoured tinned meat!

Of course many anglers use tinned luncheon meat from the tackle and bait shop made specially as fishing bait with added coloured dyes and flavours; like Strawberry and Scopex. But these are still come out of the tins in the familiar sizes and shapes, textures and feel of standard tinned meats of this nature. Carp will often unfortunately already be extremely familiar with these forms of baits, and they will be able to resist or pull baits off rigs or consistently whittle down or mouth hook baits without getting hooked! (All this goes on all the time often with anglers never comprehending the queue of fish that sample the bait and never get hooked!)

Of course you might use a cylinder of Pepperami or luncheon meat next to a pop-up boilie perhaps or combine a tiger nut or a pellet and a piece of meat together on a hook rig to try and do something a little different. I have spent about 35 plus years in carp fishing experimenting with all kinds of bait formats. I have obviously exploited the of out-side flavouring all kinds of meat baits and soaking them in all manner of substances in order to boost their performance.

After all this I now prefer to utilise pork and many other meats different ways and forms of baits that really are unique every time they are used and of course, half of their success is their complete uniqueness of both bait characteristics of shape feel, shapes, taste and smells, colours, densities and buoyancies, nutritional profiles and so on.

Now in these days of recession it is certainly cheaper to get pork and often many other meats in larger quantities for much less money from pet food outlets and even wholesalers wherever possible. If you want a more lazy method the raw sausage meat from supermarkets is a good well proven fishing bait protein source! The tinned stuff in conventional sizes in supermarkets is obviously probably the most expensive way to buy meats but they are instantly available to most people.

Using the tinned brands gives you a chance to try out various brands in straight from the tin form to find the most productive ones for your species of fish (which often turn out to be one particular brand and product just like the super sweet sweetcorn specially grown for Green Giant for example! In my carp fishing I have found that the concentration of natural sugars in this specific tinned version has very often out-fished many other cheaper brands and even lesser strains of fresh sweetcorn too.

Now this might seem obvious to some of you, but what if you combined such attractive sweetcorn with the most productive or cheapest but still productive pork meat (or other meats) to make very economical homemade baits? Strictly speaking ideally you will do your homework on bait substances and fish senses that most stimulate them before choosing ingredients first.

As the saying goes think like a carp – not an angler and success is sure to follow!

Ideally you will find out the essential nutritional aspects of the daily dietary requirements of carp or wels or even blue or channel catfish for example. Each species has great lessons in nutritional requirements and substance-specific sensitivity that can also be applied and exploited for different species. This is exactly what I did in terms of designing unique homemade baits to target for big carp. I then moved onto designing unique homemade baits for catfish.

Because I studied the 2 species in great depth and detail I could extract specific parts of their sensitivities and dietary requirements; and discover levels of substances needed to produce intense and prolonged feeding. This was all put into practice in my fishing and led my captures of over thirty sixty to one hundred and ten pound catfish caught in the UK, plus to fifteen of my twenty captures of forty-plus pound carp in the UK too.

OK, so here is a very quick taste of a just one very simple method and approach to a homemade bait that will catch carp and catfish. It makes a small quantity and this is a lesson in taking a measured recordable approach so that each and every recipe of bait you make is repeatable and you can compare your catch results on each bait to refine your baits so they become better and better!

You can begin any way you like but maybe start with liquidising a can of Green Giant Sweetcorn. I have an old food mixer-blender that takes the effort out of bait making and makes it far faster than most anglers ever imagine!

If you must have a flavour to boost your confidence you can add a flavour to your corn at any level you like. It is completely your choice to make your baits over-flavoured instant attractor baits or low-flavour more natural baits for instance. These days there are endless readymade fishing flavour liquids, palatants, complexes etc you can exploit; but many of these tend to be quite expensive even in larger volumes.

However it is true that certain flavours are well worth the money. Top flavours often cost far more than you might think to formulate, refine test and re-test, to source components, to bottle, label, package, and transport to sell at a profit for both the wholesaler and retailer.

I must admit I hate the cost of very many products sold in small bottles with expensive prices. It is horses for courses as they say and I have blown a fortune over the decades spent on testing and using such little bottles! Unfortunately some of the most stimulatory components of a bait bought from fishing shops as opposed to other sources can be very much more expensive, but you often do not need to use very much to get the vital effects on fish senses you absolutely depend on for success!

Just look out if you are on a budget for it is often far better to use a new flavour or slightly different version of a pure liquid extract than to choose very cheap flavours or cheaper copies of already legendary flavours for instance. I do not consider that many of the newer generation of the corn steep liquor and syrup-flavour proprietary fishing concoctions really provide value for money, when compared to other options for your baits that may take a little thought to source but which are massively more economical!

Warm mineral water and molasses or even white granulated sugar form almost the equivalent of the bulk of some of these types of products. A small quantity of a leading flavour added to the most active grade of CSL, (corn steep liquor) you can source plus an intense sweetener such as Talin plus a little betaine makes a good very basic homemade alternative.

So now you have your sweetcorn or sweetcorn and added liquids prepared. Put this aside and now liquidise 2 cans of luncheon meat for example. This meat may have less or more meat content and less or more fat and oil contents. You will find the cheaper brands usually contain higher proportions of fats and water compared to meat protein content. I go for cheap high fat, high water highly solubility meats for free baits, and the highest protein meats for hook bait use. (This also saves money!)

Now pour in your sweetcorn liquid and blend the meat and corn together. You can either add an equal volume of eggs to this mixture to bind or not use eggs to produce the most water-soluble baits. You do not need to use many eggs to bind liquids and other ingredients together anyway.

Many anglers avoid the use of whole eggs altogether because they although they contain all kinds of essential nutritional components fish are obviously going to recognise them from previous egg-containing baits plus eggs affect digestion in various ways. You can just throw out the yolk or yellow part of the egg and just use the egg white instead. Some anglers will be familiar with the use of many other binders to use including the familiar whole egg powder used in baking.

Now you have your liquid meat and eggs mixed together you need a dry meal or powder or combination of these to bind the liquid. The choices for this a vast but their different functional and stimulatory effects (and not just nutritional ones when used in combination) come into play; and are most significant here.)

If you were using sausage meat you might find your bait requires less binder as this might already contain sticky added wheat flour or corn or other starch fillers and other binders. I often use whole wheat flour and maize flour or gram flour (chick pea flour) for instance and add other binders and ingredients to seriously boost stimulatory impacts and for various other less obvious bait performance and structural reasons etc. Soya flour and hard durum wheat semolina is so over-used do be different because it will pay you big dividends!

Simply add your binder or binders already mixed together in whatever ratios your homework and practical bait-making experience leads you to use and get the old food blender or liquidiser going again. I often start my mixes like this and finish my bait dough by hand to achieve refined levels of hardness or wetness because I often let mixes sit for some hours in the fridge so the liquids and dry powders etc truly soak together before finishing the bait.

When you have a firm dough your bait is ready. Making even more potent and unique paste, pellets, boilies and unique particle baits from such simple and cheap ingredients is another step. Again, this can all be done in ways to achieve far better than average big fish results for big carp, catfish plus specimen barbel and chub. This is where doing your bait homework really pays off!

Getting the best bait information, doing rigorous fishing testing practice plus refinements based on your catches feedback will make all the difference. Why waste all your valuable time and money making and fishing baits that merely catch any carp or catfish big or small when you can have an economical bait that catches big fish very consistently that even out-fishes competing baits such as the many readymade boilies and pellets!) Visit my bait secrets ebooks and unique homemade bait making site Baitbigfish for more information right now!

By Tim Richardson.

About The Author

Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: “BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!” “BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!” And “BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!” For these and much more now visit: Baitbigfish; the home of the world-wide proven homemade bait making and readymade bait success secrets bibles!

The Key To Fishing For And Catching Trout From A Lakeshore

With certain techniques, casting for trout from the shore of a lake can result in a good day’s catch

The thrill of catching a trout from a shoreline and fighting him into exhaustion is never-tiring. A trout seems to fight harder and longer as he is brought closer to shore than in the open water. And there is always that last thrusting effort before submission ensues. Whether it is by fly fishing or casting a lure with a spinning rod, fishing from shore can yield a creel full.

Although some fishermen feel that fishing from shore is not as productive as in a boat nor as exciting, fishing from the shores of a lake can produce great results for those who know what they are doing. There are a number of key factors to catching a good number of trout by casting from shore.

The ability to cast a lure far out into the water is a significant consideration for getting your fishing lure noticed. Although many trout come close to shore while the water is cold, the lunkers are stay a bit further out, beyond most casting techniques.

One of the keys to getting the furthest cast possible is to use a heavy lure. A good-weighted lure will fly further than most lures on sale today. The weight of the lure will depend upon the strength of the fishing line. The heavier the lure for the given fishing line rating the better.

The fishing line is the other factor in getting a long cast. It is best to use the lightest fishing line possible for the weight class of the trout being fished for. There is also the line-snap factor when casting a heavy lure. If the cast is not perfect, the heavy fishing lure is likely to snap the line as it flies faster than the line can keep up.

It is also key to find the right spot to fish from shore. The ability to read a lake’s shoreline becomes very beneficial. If access is available to work along a good stretch of lake shoreline, the prospect of catching fish is improved. Moving down a shoreline while casting allows you to cover a lot of ground and you can work your way back up when you get to the end.

The technique to use when fishing from shore is to cast out in the form of a fan. Start your casts to your left and stagger each cast towards your right in an arc like opening a fan until your casts end up to your right. If you were catching trout, reverse the order of your casts from right to left.

If you have not been catching fish after one complete casting arc from left to right, move down the shoreline of the lake twice the distance of the arc distance of your casts. Do this until you catch fish.

And make sure to give your lure some action. A bright lure is best for most visibility. Give the tip of your rod a good twitch every couple of reeling cycles. The right speed is necessary to get the right action out of the lure. Too fast will make it spin and repel trout. Too slow will not make the lure act appropriately and fish leave it alone. As you reel in, just a short, quick twitch of your rod will give the action to your fishing lure that will make it most effective. And don’t forget to switch lures if the one you are using is not getting results after one sweep of casts. You may need to try two or three before you find the right lure that the capricious fish are happening to prefer at that time.

The time of day or night also comes into play when fishing from shore. As with most freshwater fishing, the early morning and evening into dark are the best time to catch trout and most fish. And so it is true with lake fishing from shore. To have to most luck, these times are the best bet for catching fish because that is when they feed the most and are the most active.

When fishing from shore, however, these times are extended as some trout venture into shallower waters for a late morning or afternoon snack of bait fish that are eating along the shoreline. And when the weather is cloudy, fish will come closer to shore.

If you have not fished from shore because you thought of poor results and too much work or you have fished from a lake shore, but you had little luck, try the methods outlined above and see if that doesn’t work for you. If there are fish within casting distance and they are hungry or very active, you will catch trout, assuming you are using the right lure.

If you don’t catch fish with these strategies, the fish are either not biting or there are no fish there. Then it’s time to move on or call it a day when the casting arm gives out. Some things you can control to determine a fishing day’s outcome like what we have discussed here and some things you cannot like the weather and the whims of the fish. If the fish aren’t biting, you can always play a round of golf.

But no matter what the outcome of a fishing outing, there is always another day. Fish have to eat.

Till Next Time,


About The Author

Bernie Rosellen has fished all his life for just about every type of freshwater fish in many different locations and waters throughout the USA. He contributes articles to

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Summer Fishing Carp And Catfish Ground Bait Tips!

In summer fish really feed big-time and very many new bait options are now available to exploit! Take advantage of these, gain big competitive advantages over your fellow anglers and catch more fish with these vital ground bait and free baiting tips now!

When considering something a little bit different this summer to get you the edge, there are countless products and methods to select or even adapt in your own way! Many are using ground baits more and more these days but ground baiting used to be regarded as just a small fish method. Right back from the early Eighties when it became a secret edge to fish over boilie crumb and use crumble boilies in PVA tube and on strings and so on, fishing smaller baits as free baits has proven very effective for bigger fish too.

Now of course you have many products that do not just sit inactive on the bottom, but some rise upwards to and also hang in different water layers so attracting fish even more effectively. You can replicate this effect by making your own unique ground baits by selecting those bait items that are less dense and making very active ground baits is a great money-saving edge.

Some of the more interesting products this year as you might expect by now are different pellets. As bait companies get more and more competitive for market share, so they are very thankfully investigating more unusual avenues of bait substance exploitation, realising that natural feeding triggers are the key to long-term success and anglers today know this!

But beware; often you can be fooled into buying pellets that have only been impregnated with natural extracts like those of bloodworm for instance. What you really need to verify is that the pellets you use actually are composed of the nutritional extracts within the pellets formulation itself. (This information should be available from trustworthy bait suppliers plus the age of pellets supplied; this is something else of vital importance in your potential success!) Fresh nutritional bait catches more fish because carp are able to benefit far more from such products nutritionally, they offer superior nutritional stimulation in water and factors like palatability are not compromised by off-flavours, oxidised oils and so on!

One of the very best quality nutrition pellets I have ever used is the Milkimin pellets from Ccmoore. It is reasonable to state that this company due to its huge buying power is one of the very few able to offer a true milk protein based pellet. These pellets are totally unique and are composed of very high quality milk protein ingredients. Many of these ingredients are highly buoyant and this fact provides them with an extraordinary edge. When immersed in water, they hang at differing levels in the water due to their relatively neutral buoyancy. This effect has fooled many big carp which may not have been caught when more standard type baits have been used such as mixed halibut pellets that fish are so keen and often extremely wary of now!

Having made buoyant homemade pellet baits myself with great success I can tell you it is possible to make your own completely unique hovering pellets using ingredients of your own choosing - and this is a fantastic edge over your fellow anglers! (In fact, you can even create your own personalised new homemade pellets using Milkimin pellets as part of the formula too!)

Among the other Ccmoore pellets I would definitely recommend are the boosted mussel pellets, Belachan pellets, Amino Green 365 pellets, Cantax pellets and the totally unique high digest HDE pellets. These can be used in all their different sizes mixed. The smallest sizes will dissolve within 3 hours so you can bait up without any fear of over-feeding. I make my own homemade pastes using these mixed plus other feeding trigger-packed ingredients, additives and liquids. Willis Worms supply a unique cheap alternative to Robin Red which I recommend for all kinds of applications including in PVA bag mixes, method mixes, in boilie and pellet making and creating unique bait soaks etc.

For those fashion following anglers wanting something new Sticky Baits offer baits I think are a great combination in the shape of snail, shrimp and spirulina pellets. They also offer crab pellets and squid pellets. CW Baits offer an incredible range of carp and premium quality koi pellets of many specialist formulations for various conditions and times of the year. Their betaine and spirulina pellets are simply awesome as are their special spicy crab!

Many products are able to be used with PVA products and can be poured directly into PVA bags and over PVA nets and stockings to boost attraction. Many of these are not oils and will not melt PVA due to their unique density often purposely designed into certain PVA friendly products. More standard examples of quick dissolving pellets for PVA product use include hemp pellets and corn steep liquor (CSL) pellets.

The days when you were just stuck with trout, salmon, marine halibut pellets that are all designed for fish with higher metabolic rates for carp rendering them unsuitable to be used in comparison to koi and other specifically designed carp pellets are over. Also the reliance of many carp anglers just on very standard and over-used products such as halibut pellet oil and hemp oil and the like are long gone. But thinking anglers were never limited to these things anyway and have found much cheaper ways to bait up just as effectively! (For more information see my unique bait secrets ebooks and free articles website - Baitbigfish right now!)

By Tim Richardson.

About The Author

Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with my unique fishing bibles: “BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!” “BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!” And “BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!” For these and much more now visit: baitbigfish - the home of the world-wide proven homemade bait making and readymade bait success secrets bibles and more free bait and fishing articles!

Optimising Your Weekend Carp Fishing For Big Fish Success!

Most of us can only go carp fishing at weekends so we have to maximise our valuble time to get the best catches possible! But if your goal is to catch big carp very consistently for outstanding outstanding big carp results there are vital things you can do to ensure you truly have far better chances of success; so why not read on and exploit these for yourself!

Doing your homework in advance of visits on waters is of vital importance; verify that the fish you want really are present in a water and not claims from fishery owners or just fanciful myths! (Some of the funniest disasters in fishing result from not doing vital homework!) I remember fishing one river in Yorkshire years ago where it was claimed to contain salmon. Under a bridge I found what I thought appeared to be part of a big tail moving in the current occasionally. Upon wading out to investigate further I got cut by metal on the bottom and discovered that what I could see what just a flapping length of old plastic and that the river was one rated as among the worst polluted rivers in Europe!

You may notice from your research that the bigger fish in a lake come from certain areas or spots in particular swims in certain months or weeks of the year; so why not gear up your fishing and baiting approaches to exploit this!

When fishing commercial waters for example, pre-book your swim if at all possible; this totally removes the inevitable stress of trying to battle through traffic to get to a fishery in time to get a more productive swim!

Why not get into the habit of fishing lakes in your mind while you are not there! Using creative imagination is extremely valuable and will help you to read waters better - and to fish them more appropriately! (This is one of my own hidden secrets of success.) Examples of this are noticing every day which direction the wind is in and what the temperatures and pressure are doing, (rising or falling,) and how all this may determine where fish might be in a swim if no angler and lines are present.

This procedure can be done for multiple lakes and multiple swims simultaneously for any weather at and time of year. Visualisation will really give you a big edge - putting you ahead of fish behaviours to come and ahead of competing anglers in many ways! An intriquing example is considering what happens if an angler is present in any particular swim and how fish might behave in more artificial ways in response to his lines, baiting and actual detected presence, in contrast to if the swim was vacant (or appeared to be vacant!)

Mid-week visits to waters are extremely useful to see where fish are, where they are getting caught, how they behave (with possibly less angling pressure and less bait,) and where angling baits are going in etc. All this helps you in your weekend fishing if you can exploit all these and more; superior intelligence wins wars!

Visiting lakes mid-week to see how fish are responding in the swim you fished at the weekend is very valuable in building up a bigger picture of how your lines baits and presence affect the fish say compared to other anglers fishing the same swim mid-week. Although very many carp lakes are getting much busier during the mid-week period, there may well be differences between how fish behave and feed and where they feed at weekends compared to the mid-week.

On many very highly pressured waters it is often the case that fish will clear up beds of bait left un-eaten from weekend anglers. It is very likely you will see this in action on your mid-week visits, so one thing you can do is actually do a short mid-week trip to exploit this behaviour and even pre-bait your swim while fishing at the weekend deliberately to exploit the swim mid-week.

You can often exploit the baiting of other weekend anglers mid-week; just fishing using a single bait approach can produce big fish feeding more confidently on old washed-out baits.

Fishing weekends using washed-out baits is a great trick for wary fish if you have the confidence to try it.

Fishing un-favoured swims at weekends can produce some of the biggest fish as they try to avoid the pressure put on them by anglers in popular swims!

Fishing for line bites and just one fish at a time in a match fishing style of fishing can really pay off in contrast to putting in kilograms of pellets and boilies and just sitting on it; do not copy the use of baits the crowd is using; you can always keep ahead by doing this, or alternatively (with more bait knowledge,) why not top the dominant bait on a water!

Float fishing and fishing mid-water and very close to snags (responsibly of course) is often very productive compared to the lazy 3 rod static approach! Actually determining to work exceptionally hard for your fish can really work and such a level of intense focus is rare among typical weekend carp anglers!

Thinking like a fish instead of an angler is a huge advantage; so do your homework on carp in as much detail as possible so you truly can do this. For instance, I now know what bait substances at what levels impact fish in very varied ways instantly and over a period of time so I can exploit all kinds of baits to maximum effect (and many of mine can be made instantly on the bank.)

You can fish lightening sessions of just a few hours in the evening purely to get back in touch with a water, see where fish are, what they are up to and to keep bait going in preparation for your weekend fishing. Ironically enough sometimes these sessions produce more big fish than fishing an entire weekend probably because you are far more focused than when settling into a swim for many hours were laziness can set in.

Your fish observations and thinking in advance of fishing including keeping an eye on future weather patterns and forecasts including historical patterns of weather and moon stages related to catches on a water are very valuable to future potential catches in terms of fishing timing, winds in terms of swim choices etc.

Look out for changes of weather as the week end progresses. You only need the fish passing through your swim even for a few minutes to intercept your target fish and this might mean choosing an unpopular swim and knowing something about this swim, the weather and fish movements that other anglers do not realise!

It might seem obvious but using as many rods as you are allowed often multiplies your chances of takes even if directly, but by the feedback you get from fishing that extra rod in another spot using a different bait, rig, etc. It can also give you fish information in terms of liners and other impacts such as the presence of a bait fished with a rod fished using a different line angle through the water and so on.

Fish as quietly and unobtrusively as possible; very many typical weekend carp anglers treat the experience like a trip down the pub and all this involves much reduces their chances compared to anglers who really focus on catching carp! All their re-casting, spodding of bait, plumbing of swims and general disruption of swims in so many ways including simply moving about in a swim or using bright head torches certainly alert fish to their presence and in many waters this is enough to turn fish off for the weekend in that area!

Why not try different baiting patterns to ones most people use. I find broadcasting baits widely is a good method where bait boats or tight bundles of bait in PVA net stockings appear to be the standard approach.

Getting to know your water better than normal weekend anglers will really put you permanently ahead; doing all your feature-finding, plumbing and even baiting-up during the week as opposed to when you are actually fishing really makes such a difference to the reactions of fish in your swim. Where very wary fish are concerned, being able to simply arrive and cast out with pre-clipped-up lines to spots you know intimately from your previous mid-week work is invaluble and your results can leave less aware weekend carp anglers puzzled and amazed!

Bait is one of the most important keys to weekend fishing and how you use it is a vital aspect you really need to think about in advance. I aim to be as different as possible and use my own homemade baits and ground baits. Bigger fish often fall for completely new baits simply because they are different and have less reason to be feared than established popular readymade baits.

My own cheap often complex homemade baits have caught me loads of thirties and forties including a 46 and a 48 pound fish (in the UK.) In fact these were fished against the best much more expensive readymade baits that Baitcraft, Mainline, Essential Baits, Nutrabaits and Nashbaits for instance can offer. (To do this yourself see my unique bait secrets website Baitbigfish or biography for more information right now!)

By Tim Richardson.

About The Author

Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: “BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!” “BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!” And “BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!” For these and much more now visit: the home of the world-wide proven homemade bait making and readymade bait success secrets bibles!

Making Addictive Carp Fishing Baits That Catch More Fish!

There is far more to carp baits than meets the eye (and human senses) and these hidden factors can easily give you those edges you need to catch a big very wary fish or catch you far more than your fair share of fish over all; so read on for some surprising carp bait secrets!

I never got on with chess as a kid but I sure loved watching fish. All those videos all over the place showing carp feeding in the presence of free baits, and then in the presence of free baits plus a baited rig illustrate only to a limited degree what could be going on in your lake with your fish!

And to accurately scientifically competently explain why the fish do what they do and how to counter these behaviours as a carp angler, are totally your unique choice as an individual carp angler. For me this is one of the most exciting parts of carp fishing because in effect it is we that train our fish and that means to a great degree we can control their behaviours.

I am well and truly into leveraging bait substances in this regard. The reason for this goes back to the hair rig female hair hormone thing. Whenever a carp senses your baits, all those receptor cells and nerves firing off and brain activity result in hormone releases which influence carp behaviours immediately. Some much more familiar bait substances may result in a bait being rejected well before it is ever at a stage of getting tested by a carps barbels or fins or lips. The fact is that carp move through various stages of excitement – as stimulated by many various baits substances each having their on unique and combined impacts upon fish metabolism and behavioural responses.

These days when I go shopping in a supermarket I joke to my other half (my good half Debs,) that three quarters of the so-called food there should be moved to the darkest corner and placed under the counter. There they should be sold as under the counter drugs; but why?!

Have you noticed that the so-called health food section in a super market is so small? The fact is that food manufacturers want to train you to buy more of their own products not their competitors products or other food groups; consequently they put all kinds of substances into their foods to condition your senses. This includes packing it with salts which force your taste buds to change sensitivities and refined sugar (which is proven to alter your DNA although not in necessarily healthy ways!)

Of course nuts are habit-forming too but they have far more healthy impacts upon balanced health and improved natural vitality and longevity than the bulk of the so-called foods packed with all kinds of unhelpful extras. These are literally everything included to make you buy more than you need, and eat more than is healthy for you; so the manufacturer make more fatter profits and more often than not making you fatter in the process!

I make a habit of reading food labels of everything I eat and have done since I was still at school in the early Eighties. It is surprising how many carp baits you can find that are called food in your local supermarket but in truth and in effect are very well marketed legalised drugs! From the alcohol in your cheap beer and plonk to caffeine and sugar-packed drinks, to flavour-enhancer packed crisps and chocolate coated products of all kinds, soups, ready-meals etc; you are most likely being drugged.

Many tricks are used to get you hooked. Just how many pre-cooked meats are packed with salts plus other hidden goodies – I know many butchers who would never buy their meat from supermarkets because they know what tricks have been applied! And what about the masses of sweet products like biscuits, cakes and sweets packed with flavours and spice extracts high in oleoresins for example!

Chocolate containing vanilla contains vanillin (a potent oleoresin exploited for decades and decades in the food and drink industry and in carp baits too.) Whether you go for milk chocolate or plain; it is addictive. Just investigate the hormones released in a female brain when eating chocolate and you will understand why so many women habitually use it as a substitute for certain other activities (i.e. sex!)

Part of the obesity epidemic is simply that people are going out buying foods containing far more sugar than their lifestyles can burn off – forget the fat; often the so-called low fat foods are packed with sugar to make them more palatable to make you eat more. Who can blame people for getting fat or getting diabetes when they are bombarded every single day with so-called foods that very often have barely any nutritional food value left in them at all after cooking but which are packed with sugar that their food-stressed long-unbalanced systems cannot deal with normally any longer?

I call white bread the food of the diabetic; if you know a diabetic you probably know why. Needless to say it is very wise to check out the rate each carbohydrate food is converted to blood sugar (blood glucose) in your system. (Look-up the glycaemic index for each food because constantly over-loading your body with such converted sugar dumps causes the majority of diabetes in people both young and old!)

Often you will discover upon reading a label, that a low fat product will actually contain even more sugar than a corresponding normal fat level product. But worse than this often the low fat product will make you fatter over all because of its calorific value owing to the sugar levels it contains. This kind of trick is used in many high price as well as low price foods.

Try buying enough food for a week that does not contain any salt, saturated fat, sugar, wheat, milk or milk derivatives, yeast extract, MSG or similar, or other natural, nature-identical or synthetic additives that all are at least habit-forming (if not downright addictive.) You will find it a huge change – I know because I try and do this every week for the sake of my health! However the way food is produced to make us eat more is quite an experts guide to making far more competitively-performing carp baits.

Part of the puzzle in making habit-forming carp baits is in knowing the substances found in natural ingredients and additves that individually or combined have profound impacts on the fish either in the very short-term or long term or both. These impacts can over time get much stronger meaning that carp literally get into the habit of not just consuming your baits but actually looking for them.

Kevin Maddocks did not use a high proportion of icing sugar in one of his successful recipes for homemade boilies that he used at mega-hard water Ashlea Pool just for sweetening - and not just to open up tightly-binding milk protein bait ingredients either! If you dip your finger into icing sugar and test it by tasting it, it is very likely that test taste will be followed by another, and another, and another! (I hope you are getting the point!)

Check out the fact that the first thing a puff of nicotine does is induce a glutamine dumb throughout the bloodstream and body that instantly relaxes you; but that is just the first stage of one of the most potently addictive substances in the world. The important thing is that it firstly relaxes you; release of bodily tension is energy efficient and just as addictive as the hit of hormones you get when enjoying strenuous exercise!

Relaxing your carp to make them easier to catch is just one angle of approach of course. Note of course that nicotine is seriously fatal and just one drop on the tongue of the pure stuff will kill you; plus it is the tar and cyanide compounds etc from burning fag paper that really does not help you live longer either! If it helps there is far more bioactive compounds in the leaf than the seed of cannabis plants and this is why hemp seed is less potent than it might be while the original Coke herbal tonic drink made people high as kites.

Perhaps ask yourself why one of the biggest most successful brands in history is called Coke – perhaps the answer is in the question! (But I would never claim Coke has certain leaf extracts in legal amounts included would I!) Just a side point; Coke is a better formula to Pepsi for use as a great additive for hemp seed!

I guess by now you have probably realised that I know more than a little about making habit-forming (and even to a degree addictive) carp baits, and putting them into action big-time. (For much more information see my bait secrets ebooks and bait-making and bait-boosting website Baitbigfish right now!)

By Tim Richardson.

About The Author

Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: “BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!” “BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!” And “BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!” For these and much more now visit: the home of the world-wide proven homemade bait making and readymade bait success secrets bibles!

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